Board of Directors & Staff

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The Team – Meet our people!

Any team is only as good as the people who make up its roster, and our charitable organization is no exception! The standards are high at USSA, and we pick people who, above all, have a genuine commitment to the special people and the natural resources served by our charity. Additionally, a true commitment to and understanding our national outdoor heritage is a must for all board members, committee members, and the management team. Each individual contributes their unique blend of abilities and areas of expertise for the common good. The result is a truly rewarding and effective outdoor sport wish-granting charity!

Board of Directors

USSA is fortunate to have a highly qualified ‘Board of Directors’ to help oversee the management and direction of USSA. Throughout their years of experience in a wide range of fields, they help establish sound operating policies and lend great insight and input on major charity issues. Our board is committed to the principles of respect, compassion, and equality outlined in our USSA constitution. The board’s code of ethics serves as a code of conduct for association volunteers and staff in their capacity as board members. Members of the board affirm their endorsement of the code and acknowledge their commitment to upholding its principles and obligations by accepting and retaining membership on the board without receiving any source of income from USSA.

Principal Officers

USSA Cabinet Members

The USSA ‘Cabinet’ is a group of professionals from various backgrounds; that may provide quality policy or decision advice to the CEO when asked. Even Though not under the day-to-day operations, the ‘Cabinet’ has unique access to the CEO when deemed necessary.

State Representatives

Our state representatives are professionals from various backgrounds who oversee events within their state. They affirm their endorsement of the code and acknowledge their commitment to upholding its principles and obligations by accepting and retaining their position without receiving any source of income from USSA. Contact us by email if this is an opportunity you would like to pursue to further the USSA’s mission.

USSA Advisory Council

In order to maximize creativity and unleash the charity’s potential, an ‘Advisory Council’ helps enlighten board members on topics and issues in their particular area and field of expertise. Although they don’t vote, their role is very important in keeping ideas fresh and operations running smoothly.

USSA Youth Leaders

In the day-to-day operations of USSA, there are a significant number of young people who take hold and lend a helping hand in the operation of USSA. Today’s youth are often criticized for being a selfish generation. We feel that is not a fair and accurate assessment and that these young people deserve recognition for their unselfish contributions to the welfare of those less fortunate. As a young person, community service and involvement are integral parts of anyone’s resume. Get involved now!

USSA Humanitarian Committee

Last but certainly not least, this group of people is one of our favorites! They were our first teachers. They took care of us when we were sick. They fed us and consoled us when we were down. We all have one. Yes, we are talking about mothers. These caring individuals don’t see what kind of suit you’re wearing, but they see your heart and soul. They work tirelessly behind the scenes volunteering for a wide variety of duties.

We want to acknowledge these special mothers and their essential roles in supporting USSA, its children, and its community service mission! THANK YOU ALL, from the bottom of our hearts!!!
