Welcome to USSA

United Special Sportsman Alliance, Inc. (USSA) is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit wish-granting charity specializing in sending critically ill and disabled youth and disabled veterans on a free outdoor adventure of their dreams.

USSA adventures give our youth and veterans something to look forward to and help sustain them in their time of need. Providing families with a respite from the mundane, man-made world of hospitals and high medical bills, USSA adventures replace that world with a place of peace, so they have the opportunity to focus on the quality of life, family ties, and the wonders of our natural world.

USSA is composed of a 100% volunteer staff from all walks of life, bonded together by a common love for our fellow man and deep respect and appreciation of our world’s natural resources. Working cooperatively with caring ‘Adventure’ donors as well as generous individual and corporate sponsors, USSA significantly impacts the lives of thousands of children, disabled veterans, and their families. Through these valuable efforts, the image of sportsmen is enhanced in the public eye, and lifelong friendships are made. To learn more about the charity, please view our ‘About USSA‘ page.

Know of a child, adult, or veteran that you believe qualifies?

If you know of a child, adult, or veteran that you believe qualifies and is interested in attending an outdoor wish trip, you can click the button to complete an application.

American Outdoor Adventure

American Outdoor Adventure Magazine is an online magazine written solely by USSA recipients, mentors, or donors about the USSA event in which they participated. These authors share their personal ‘Outdoor Adventure’ with individuals and families throughout the world through a series of short stories encouraging them to live the outdoor wish of their dreams.

Memory Lane Scrapbook

Flip through the pages of our Memory Lane Scrapbook, where USSA recipients, mentors, and donors can share their favorite special moments and memories of the USSA event they participated in with people around the world. It is always good to recall the great memories that we have had on the journey of life.

In the News

750 yards off the road, bear down at 7:50 a.m.

“I was excited when my dad told me about the hunting trip. I couldn’t wait to go bear hunting,” shared 14-year-old Eliza. Eliza and her father, Joey, drove north for…

USSA’s 19th Annual Summer Fest Event

The United Special Sportsmen Alliance (USSA) hosted its 19th annual Summer Fest Event at its headquarters in central Wisconsin. This two-day event aimed to provide children with illnesses or disabilities…

Sponsor Spotlight
