With our vision and goals firmly in sight, USSA aims at the numerous obstacles in the way of accomplishing these goals. The USSA mission requires a comprehensive, well-thought-out game plan to bring the mission to a successful conclusion. Lofty goals are great, but there must be a focused plan to make our vision a reality to the nation’s people. Like it or not, the long-term survival of our hunting and fishing heritage will probably depend on:
1: Sportsman recruitment from all segments of society.
2: Beginning sports hunting and fishing recruitment of all our youth at a younger age.
3: Increased firearm safety education and awareness to help reduce accidents.
4: Increased public awareness of the sportsman’s vital role in Natural Resource Management and financing.
5: Increase public awareness of the role of fish and game in feeding our nation’s people.
The following strategies are necessary for the successful completion of USSA’s mission.
- Effective Communication with all disability-related organizations – is essential to finding people who qualify for a dream wish AND providing a safe, healthy, and fulfilling experience for the recipient. Doctors know the limitations of their patients best.
- Coordinate and cooperate with all wish-granting charities – Coordination always provides efficiencies and economies of scale that solo efforts cannot hope to match! The critical point is that the wish is gets granted to the youth, not who gave it and got the credit. Organizations that operate in unity can provide the resource pool and “critical mass” to see a goal to a successful conclusion.
- Coordinate with our adventure Donors to help assure a quality experience for all involved – Our landowners, ranchers, outfitters, preserve owners, fishing lodge operators, boat owners, and campground owners seem to get as much out of these experiences as the youth and the family! Also, family ties are strengthened, and lifelong friendships are made during the event.
- Appreciate and thank our Sponsors and Donors for their involvement – Donors and sponsors are the lifeblood of any charity. Unfortunately, all too often, kind and generous donations are left unacknowledged. Spreading the word about the character and compassion of our sponsors will allow the general public to make informed choices about the quality of the company or organization they are dealing with.
- Communicate effectively with all media sources- Any great story needs an audience to hear it for its subject to positively affect society. Therefore, a working relationship with all media sources is essential to reaching a broad, diverse audience, which will help promote an enlightened, caring public image and prompt us all to take affirmative, effective action.
I hope this introduction will encourage you to read further and meet USSA’s Board of Directors and Staff that helps make this concept a reality, Click Here.
USSA is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and hence your contributions are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. If you would like to make a financial contribution, Click Here.
If you would like to get involved in any aspect of USSA with volunteer assistance by donating a hunting or fishing trip or other outdoor activities, Click Here.