Clay Dyer

Fishing Topics & Issues

It wasn’t long after attending a USSA fishing trip and being a guide for disabled and terminal children that Clay (Clayton) Andrew Dyer joined United Special Sportsman Alliance.

Clay is a 28 year old professional bass tournament angler and his career has offered him many opportunities throughout the USA. He started fishing at a very young age and it wasn’t long before he realized what his passion was.

He was born into a Christian family and brought up where religion was a strong priority. He said that Jesus Chris is his best friend and number one sponsor. Clayton’s Christian beliefs have allowed him to share his life experience by becoming a public speaker and donating his time taking a special child fishing.

Clay finds angling to be helping so many of these children communicate and find joy outside of their grief. Clayton stated, “Taking a special child fishing can be one of the most rewarding experiences an adult can have with a child.” He also stated that within the sport of fishing, it doesn’t matter if you’re sick or not, “Anyone can fish.”

With years of dedication to the sport, Clay has gained confidence and insight into obstacles along the way. His future goal is to broaden his devotion to helping the needy and share his personal story with them. He added, “I am really looking forward to seeing all the wonderful things that we at USSA can do together to bring joy to those in need.
