Sheryl Ridenour

Tennessee Represenative

I am a single mother of a wonderful son with ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder), Hunter. I am also an elementary school teacher. I have taught for over 30 years and love my job, but I LOVE being a mother even more! I was born in Detroit, Michigan. My family moved to Tennessee to be close to family when I was in the second grade. I was so excited because I loved spending time with my grandpa. One of my favorite memories was him taking me to a trout farm fishing. My dad also used to take my two brothers and me fishing at a local state park. I never realized how much the outdoors would become part of my life until I had my son.

Being in the outdoors brings so much peace to Hunter. He says it is his “Happy Place”! While he was growing up, my mom and I spent many hours taking him fishing, but as he grew older, I wanted to expose him to more of the outdoors. This is when we became involved with Ms. Brigid. Well, that’s all it took, and Hunter became hooked! Every event he attended brought new friends, role models, joy, a deep sense of respect for the outdoors, as well as peace for us both. After seeing the confidence build in my son, I wanted to give back and see other children in our state experience this! I’m so excited to help other children and families experience the excitement and peace this charity has brought to us!

Sheryl Ridenour

“I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in tune once more.” – John Burroughs
